Old engravings of the fishery on the French Shore help
researchers visualize the daily activities of
catching and processing cod in the 19th century. |
The French Shore Tapestry is a 66 meter (216 ft) long embroidered tour de force of storytelling inspired by the famous 11th century Bayeux Tapestry. Created in France and northern Newfoundland, the memorable linen and wool mural tells the history of that region’s French Shore, from the pre-historic animals that roamed the forests and shoreline to the moment in 2006 when a few talented women in the tiny outport of Conche began their embroidering odyssey. As the viewer moves along the tapestry, a parade of historic and colourful characters bring alive the events and legends that make French Shore history unique.
This website presents a few of the panels with their textual explanation. It also profiles the artist and the artisans behind the creation, and describes what it took to put it all together. You will also find technical information, media documentation, and an exhibit travel schedule.
Because a few pictures cannot do justice to such a monumental work of art as is the French Shore Tapestry, we encourage you come see it in person. We have provided information about how to get to the French Shore Interpretation Centre in Conche where the tapestry is on display a good part of the year. |

European fishermen prepare for the trip to
Newfoundland fishing grounds. |